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EGTP1 250 630 250 A

Piston guide EGTP1 25x20x6.3 PH/GEW/PTFE
25 mm
6.3 mm
20 mm
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EGTP1 250 560 250 A EGTP1 250 630 250 A EGTP1 250 560 300 A EGTP1 250 630 300 A EGTP1 250 970 300 A EGTP1 250 630 320 A EGTP1 250 970 320 A EGTP1 250 560 350 A EGTP1 250 970 350 A EGTP1 251 500 350 A EGTP1 250 560 400 A EGTP1 250 630 400 A EGTP1 250 970 400 A EGTP1 251 500 400 A EGTP1 250 560 450 A EGTP1 250 630 450 A EGTP1 250 970 450 A EGTP1 251 500 450 A EGTP1 250 560 500 A EGTP1 250 970 500 A EGTP1 251 500 500 A EGTP1 252 000 450 A EGTP1 252 000 500 A EGTP1 252 500 500 A EGTP1 250 560 550 A EGTP1 250 970 550 A EGTP1 251 500 550 A EGTP1 252 000 550 A EGTP1 250 560 600 A EGTP1 250 970 600 A EGTP1 251 500 600 A EGTP1 252 000 600 A EGTP1 250 560 630 A EGTP1 250 970 630 A EGTP1 251 500 630 A EGTP1 252 000 630 A EGTP1 250 560 650 A EGTP1 250 970 650 A EGTP1 251 500 650 A EGTP1 252 000 650 A EGTP1 250 560 700 A EGTP1 250 970 700 A EGTP1 251 500 700 A EGTP1 252 000 700 A EGTP1 250 560 750 A EGTP1 250 970 750 A EGTP1 251 500 750 A EGTP1 252 000 750 A EGTP1 252 500 750 A EGTP1 250 560 800 A EGTP1 250 630 800 A EGTP1 250 970 800 A EGTP1 251 500 800 A EGTP1 252 000 800 A EGTP1 252 500 800 A EGTP1 250 560 850 A EGTP1 250 970 850 A EGTP1 251 500 850 A EGTP1 252 000 850 A EGTP1 252 500 850 A EGTP1 250 560 900 A EGTP1 250 970 900 A EGTP1 251 500 900 A EGTP1 252 000 900 A EGTP1 252 500 900 A EGTP1 250 970 950 A EGTP1 251 500 950 A EGTP1 252 000 950 A EGTP1 252 500 950 A EGTP1 250 561 000 A EGTP1 250 971 000 A EGTP1 251 501 000 A EGTP1 252 001 000 A EGTP1 252 501 000 A EGTP1 250 971 050 A EGTP1 251 501 050 A EGTP1 252 001 050 A EGTP1 252 501 050 A EGTP1 250 971 100 A EGTP1 251 501 100 A EGTP1 252 001 100 A EGTP1 252 501 100 A EGTP1 250 971 150 A EGTP1 251 501 150 A EGTP1 252 001 150 A EGTP1 252 501 150 A EGTP1 250 971 200 A EGTP1 251 501 200 A EGTP1 252 501 200 A EGTP1 250 971 250 A EGTP1 251 501 250 A EGTP1 252 001 250 A EGTP1 252 501 250 A EGTP1 250 971 300 A EGTP1 251 501 300 A EGTP1 252 001 300 A EGTP1 252 501 300 A EGTP1 250 971 350 A EGTP1 251 501 350 A EGTP1 250 971 400 A EGTP1 251 501 400 A EGTP1 252 001 400 A EGTP1 252 501 400 A EGTP1 251 501 450 A EGTP1 252 001 450 A EGTP1 252 501 450 A EGTP1 250 971 500 A EGTP1 251 501 500 A EGTP1 252 001 500 A EGTP1 252 501 500 A EGTP1 250 971 600 A EGTP1 251 501 600 A EGTP1 252 001 600 A EGTP1 252 501 600 A EGTP1 252 501 650 A EGTP1 250 971 700 A EGTP1 251 501 700 A EGTP1 252 501 700 A EGTP1 250 971 800 A EGTP1 251 501 800 A EGTP1 252 501 800 A EGTP1 251 501 850 A EGTP1 250 971 900 A EGTP1 250 972 000 A EGTP1 251 502 000 A EGTP1 252 002 000 A EGTP1 252 502 000 A EGTP1 252 502 050 A EGTP1 251 502 200 A EGTP1 252 502 250 A EGTP1 252 502 300 A EGTP1 252 502 400 A EGTP1 251 502 450 A EGTP1 251 502 500 A EGTP1 252 502 500 A EGTP1 252 503 000 A EGTP1 252 503 600 A
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Produktdetails zu

EGTP1 250 630 250 A

25 mm
6.3 mm
20 mm


Max. sliding velocity
  • 1 m/s
Surface pressure
  • 50 N/mm² 
  • insert into the groove 
  • hydraulic systems 
Construction type
  • guide ring 
  • phenol resin-synthetic fibre fabric laminate with PTFE 
  • mineral oil 
  • water emulsions 
Temp. max.
  • 130 °C
Temp. min.
  • -40 °C
Pressure resistance as DIN 53454
  • 340 N/mm²
Customs tariff number
  • 39269097 
Alle Eigenschaften


Calculation of shear force
F = p x D x L x n
F = maximum shear force (N)
p = maximum surface pressure (N/mm²)
D x L = projected area (mm²)
n = quantity of rings
Easy working of the fitting groove and assembly.
High load-bearing capacity.
Low coefficient of friction (PTFE).
No water absorption.
Long service life.
We are able to produce guide rings with diameters of 20 to 1200 mm within short lead times.


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D (mm)
L (mm)
d (mm)