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Choose from over 60,000 articles and always find exactly the right product for your needs. We stock the full range.


Browse through our categories with over 60,000 available articles on the subject of hydraulics.

Hydraulic hoses

3 Categories

Industrial hoses

3 Categories

Hose fittings

11 Categories


7 Categories


2 Categories


The best from over 60 years of experience with hydraulic components.

Hose management

Plan inspections efficiently and perform them professionally.

Mobile Rapid Hydraulic Service

Get help within an hour and minimise downtimes.

Inspections of industrial hose lines

Inspect your industrial hose lines in accordance with the German Industrial Health and Safety Act (BetrSichV).

Fluid Service

Our fluid technology experts advise and assist you on all aspects of oil care.

Order hose assemblies where and when you want

All advantages at a glance

  • Highest quality

    Components supplied by HANSA FLEX come from well-known manufacturers.

  • High availability

    Thanks to our large warehouse capacity, we can supply products reliably and at short notice.

  • Supplied from Germany

    We deliver all HANSA FLEX products to you reliably and on schedule.


Our most popular products in focus

Highly capable solutions

Discover our high-quality focus products in the fields of filtration, industrial hose and oil binding agents. We have a wide range of first-class solutions perfect for your requirements.


Your Go-To source for high-quality hydraulic solutions!

Discover our diverse range of first-class hoses, pipes, adapters, fittings and many other hydraulic components. As experienced experts we provide tailored solutions for a wide range of industries. Benefit from our outstanding quality, individualised advice and quick delivery. Our user-friendly online shop makes it easy to find and order everything you need. Place your trust in HANSA-FLEX as your partner for first-class fluid technology and optimise your systems with our high-quality products and comprehensive specialist knowledge. Our many years of experience are your assurance of precision and reliability. We guarantee quick delivery for minimum downtimes. Explore the market-leading hydraulic solutions in our online shop. Welcome to HANSA-FLEX – your partner for first-class performance in the field of hydraulics!