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SKF 20 IN F SN78

Screw coupling fixed SN78 IGN3/4" BR
Connecting thread
NPT 3/4″ -14 
Mineral oil temp. max.
90 °C
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Productdetails over

SKF 20 IN F SN78

Connecting thread
NPT 3/4″ -14
Mineral oil temp. max.
90 °C
Mineral oil temp. min.
-40 °C
SF gek.*
Working pressure
207 bar
Alle eigenschappen


  • industry and automotive engineering 
Connection 1
  • NPT female thread, tapered 
Construction type
  • Snap-tite series 78 
  • brass 
Residual pressure
  • Coupling under residual pressure is possible 
Sealing form 1
  • thread seal 
Alle eigenschappen


Screw couplings are designed for high pressures and pressure pulses.
Aanvullende informatie
The robust construction makes them ideal for use in harsh conditions.
The indicated working pressure refers to the coupling only and is dependent on the selected connection types.


3 Resultaten
Maattekening weergeven
Connecting thread
Mineral oil temp. max. (°C)
Mineral oil temp. min. (°C)
Prijs / items
DN = nominal diameter, nominal width
SF gek. = safety factor coupled

Column selection

Connecting thread
Mineral oil temp. max. (°C)
Mineral oil temp. min. (°C)
SF gek.*
Working pressure (bar)
DN = nominal diameter, nominal width
SF gek. = safety factor coupled